Management Division of MKL
- Responsible for attendance, preparation of monthly reports for Kuala Lumpur Court officers and staff as well as issuing show cause letters to officers/staff who are late/does not record attendance without permission.
- Dealing with booking of meeting/briefing rooms and refreshment.
- Involved in secretarial work related to duties, functions, activities/programs at the Kuala Lumpur Court (MKL).
- Managing administrative matters and department meetings.
- Responsible for the preparation of the Commissioner of Oaths' duty schedule and the Remand Officer's Schedule and the Daily Prayer Recitation Schedule.
- Manage the placement of practical students who do training at MKL.
- Manage/process Insurance applications from officers/staff who travel abroad.
- Manage the reservation of vehicle stamps/stickers for the use of officers/staff.
- Providing a safe and secure place to store files and documents.
- Managing uniforms for the Driver/General Office Assistant/Operation Assistant/Ordeli.
- Manage the rental of cafeteria space on Level B1.
- Coordinating the keys to the Meeting Room, Briefing Room, IT Room, Judge's Waiting Room (VVIP), Chief Justice's Room and Malaya Chief Justice's Room.
- Ensure statement notices physical and electronic are reviewed and updated monthly.
- Managing visits from Abroad/Government/Non-Government/Institutes of Higher Education and Schools.
- Manage identity card applications for MKL officers and staff.
- Providing and updating the latest data on the location of the Court rooms.
- Prepare and update the phone book/directory.
- Plan training requirements for each officer and staff based on experience, position, field of work and required training.
- Conduct training programs/courses/workshops/seminars for all staff.
- Manage matters related to Speakers/Teachers/Consultants and accommodation of course participants.
- Carry out secretarial work and administration of training/courses before and after the course is conducted.
- Ensuring the achievement of course attendance performance for all officers and staff can be achieved according to the number of courses directed by the Office of the Chief Registrar or the Service Circular issued from time to time.
- Manage human resource management information through the HRMIS system.
- Ensuring that the Annual Work Target (SKT) is recorded in the HRMIS system.
- Ensure that the Annual Performance Evaluation (LNPT) is recorded in the HRMIS system.
- Promotion / acting matters.
- Reviewing and preparing proposal papers for the nomination of the Outstanding Service Award (APC).
- Coordinate the Annual Performance Evaluation Report (LNPT).
- Coordinating Property Declarations.
- Process disciplinary matters.
- Preparing and managing the Nominations for Star Awards/Degrees of Honor/Medals for Kuala Lumpur Court Officers and Staff.
- Secretariat of the Integrity and Governance Committee (JKTU).
- New appointments/contracts/exchanges.
- Updating employee personal profile information.
- Confirmation of appointment/pensionable service.
- Salary movement.
- Retirement.
- Resignation/resignation.
- Overseas application for official/private affairs.
- Formal wear/warm wear allowance application.
- Application for approval of Regional Housing Allowance (EPW)/ Application to return to the original region.
- Application for medical approval/drug allowance.
- Treatment Facility Form (GL).
- Manage all leave requests.
- Record Historical Data of Official and Staff Leave.
- Record rest/sick leave and check attendance and prepare a letter showing the reason for absence from duty without leave.
- Manage employment liability applications.
- Manage Statement of changes (Kew. 8).
- Manage Service Record Book.
- Departmental exam application.
- Application for the appointment, extension and termination of the Commissioner of Oaths.
- Create an Organizational Chart of the Department/Management Division.
- Total Staffing Information Report, Staffing Statistics And Staffing Information Details in the High Court/Sessions every month.
- Management related to cleanliness and landscape matters.
- Plan work schedule for cleaning and landscaping works.
- Ensure the environment is clean.
- Monitor the cleaning work carried out by the contractor as specified in the contract agreement.
- Ensure that all supplies related to cleaning and landscape works are supplied as per the terms of the contract.
- Receive and monitor all complaints related to cleanliness and landscaping.
- Checking payment claims by cleaning contractors according to the department's requirements before being forwarded to the Procurement Unit for payment purposes.
- Receive the goods ordered by confirming the delivery of the goods by the supplier.
- Store stock according to the methods and locations set by using the store space optimally.
- Maintain and maintain stock so that it is always in good condition and can be used.
- Issuing stock according to customer needs.
- Maintain records for every transaction in and out of stock accurately, regularly and up-to-date.
- Planning and managing stock to ensure stock availability according to the set level.
- Handling the packaging and issuing of stock to customers.
- Conduct inspections to detect and identify any weaknesses that cause stock discrepancies, damaged, obsolete, expired and non-moving stock.
- Take disposal action on stock that is obsolete/obsolete, damaged, expired, period of use, cannot be used, is not needed, does not move or exceeds the requirement so that the performance of the store is not affected and avoids the waste of storage space.
- Manage write-off actions on lost stock.
- Provide Quarterly and Annual Store Management Reports.
- Accept vehicle reservation requests from officers/staff for official business.
- Ensuring the driver's itinerary to bring officers/staff for business such as the bank, the Post Office to send letters/documents to other Departments and the business of sending Department vehicles/official vehicles to Spanco for maintenance services or repairing any damage.
- Store the Department's vehicle keys, check the transactions of the Fuel Indenture Card, the Touch n' Go Card of the department's vehicle updates.
- Ensure that the vehicle log book is maintained perfectly by the driver. Check and sign the log book at each use, at the end of each week and at the end of each month.
- Supervises fuel consumption and prepares breakdowns.
- Ensuring that every YA High Court Judge and Session Court Judge sends Shell/ Petronas oil detail verification reports every month. Coordinating the affairs of the Department's fuel cards and Official Cars of the YA Department High Court & Sessions Court Judges
- Ensuring that mail is weighed according to the set rate every day.
- Ensuring the delivery of letters to the post office for regular mail, registered letters and express mail.
- Ensure that the letters received are recorded and handed over to the relevant units.
- Review express post invoices and confirm them on a monthly basis.
- Ensuring domestic and international barcodes and stamps for registered post are stored adequately and securely. Issuing and recording the amount of bar code application and stamp as needed.
- Ensure that binding applications are done perfectly on official matters only.
- Print Touch n' Go forms from the Touch n' Go portal for 4 Department drivers.
- Ensure that there are no problems in the Telephone Communication Unit and the System used.
- Receive and validate Capital Property and Inventory registers through the Asset Management Monitoring System (SPPA).
- Manage the maintenance and repair work of all machines, equipment, office furniture.
- Checking and inspecting all documents related to asset management including local orders, cards and KEW.PA forms.
- Manage/implement asset inspections and update position records and Capital Assets and Inventory (including ICT).
- Assisting in managing and implementing work related to the disposal of government movable assets.
- Help manage the transfer, forging and supply of Capital Assets and Inventory to the relevant units.
- Help manage the placement/delivery of equipment and furniture for an event at the Kuala Lumpur Court.
- Help manage matters related to complaints/damage to telephone/fax lines.
- Management related to development & maintenance matters.
- Plan repairs and upgrade technical works and cleaning.
- Ensure buildings and all infrastructure facilities are in good condition and safe to use.
- Ensure periodic maintenance from the building maintenance company (FM) runs according to the specified specifications and schedule.
- Coordinating the needs and procurement of services for the upgrading, renovation, repair and maintenance of KMKL's physical facilities.
- Monitor technical and cleaning works carried out by registered contractors according to the specifications set by the department.
- Receive technical and cleaning complaints from KMKL and the public for action.
- Prepare applications for small renovation, upgrade, replacement projects for KMKL for PKPMP approval.
- Plan the scope and cost estimate for the proposed project.
- Checking payment claims from contractors who carry out works, services, modifications and maintenance according to the department's requirements before being extended to the procurement unit for payment purposes.
- Updating the latest position of the location of the courtrooms physically
- Manage all procurement of the Department related to small quotations, quotations, tenders and direct negotiations.
- Ensure the procurement process implemented by the Department to comply with the rules and procedures set.
- Ensure specification and technical reports have been reviewed and approved by the appointed authority.
- Ensure procurement by purchase directly obtains approval from the Director or Assistant Director before issuing Local Orders.
- Manage the registration of suppliers and Airline Agency Companies.
- Ensure the use of central contracts for the procurement of items listed in central/Treasury contracts.
- Manage contracts under procurement, quotations and tenders of the Department.
- Manage rental contracts and monitor payments for space rentals on Level B1.
- Manage the procurement of work involving Class 'F' contractors.
- Manage Bulk Air Warrants.
- Managing the Department's Retail Cashier.
- Manage local order reports, Procurement quarterly reports, GPIS and eTBS.
- Manage the Department Procurement planning for each year.
- Planning MKL budget requirements.
- Prepare Budget Report and other financial reports.
- Checking and processing payment vouchers to staff & suppliers.
- Make salary changes.
- Checking the B06 and T03 vote books in the system.
- Checking bulk reports.
- Added Touch & Go terminal value for High and Sessions Court Judges.
- Provide Retail Money.
- Prepare Daily Reports to the Finance Section of PKPMP and JPM.
- Sending reports and other financial documents at PKPMP and JPM.
- Housing/ Computer/Vehicle Loan.
- Accept various revenue payments, fines & confiscations as well as deposits.
- Refund of revenue & deposit.
- Record revenue collection & deposit.
- Accounting for revenue collection & deposits.
- Deposit gazette.
- Kiosk machine maintenance.
Collection Building/Circulation
- Library Counter service management.
- Management of library membership records (Manual).
- Loan / return service.
- Planning the construction of the library collection.
- Acceptance of new acquisitions of library materials.
- Manage material receipt records.
- Documentation of library materials.
- Cataloging of library materials by referring to WebOpac (CopyCat).
- Management of permanent deposit collections in the High Court Judge's room.
- Distribution of subscribed materials / other publications to Sessions Judges / judicial officers.
- Management of the collection of newspaper clippings related to court cases and national legal issues.
- Current awareness service / promotion of library activities.
Act Reference/Amendment
- Manage the general administration of the library.
- Searching for legal information online.
- Managing the KMKL Library Committee Meeting.
- Handling referrals in the form of research from YA Judges / Judicial Commission.
- Inter library loan service.
- Preparation of library statistics.
- Organizing / updating the library collection on the shelf according to the class number (shelf reading).
- Library collection stock check.
- Government gazette receipt / record management.
- Checking the notification of the latest amendments to the act in LawNet (PNMB) on a daily basis.
- Assisting the Secretary in Implementing the latest amendments to the act in the library collection and the permanent collection of the judge's chambers (as directed).
- Binding and conservation of library materials.
- Office Security Management in courts and divisions.
- Record and take action on security complaints at MKL.
- Planning and providing security awareness training for MKL complex users.
- Maintain all MKL keys and update keys when there is a change of Court.
- Unlocking and closing Court doors and rooms at the request of judges, officers, and staff who have left keys, opening and closing empty court doors where trials are ongoing.
- Provide parking in the lobby for the presence of VVIPs, speakers and government agency visits and private visits to MKL.
- Blocking the elevator for VVIP on the instructions of the concerned party.
- Supervise and update access cards for judges, officials and staff.
- Supervise and monitor the presence of security guards day and night.
- Monitor and prepare visit passes and monitor contractors in security aspects who want to enter the court on working days, public holidays and public holidays.
- Coordinating and assisting the Information Technology Division, PKPMP in matters related to ICT in MKL.
- Assist in providing ICT equipment, personal computers, printers and scanners to officers and staff at the Kuala Lumpur Court.
- Providing records, updating, installation as well as maintaining and repairing ICT equipment.
- Perform configuration and monitoring work on the Electronic Government (EG) system, eJudicial system and internal system (PKPMP/MKL) to function properly and smoothly in MKL.
- Ensure that ICT contractors appointed by PKPMP or MKL carry out the tasks of maintaining ICT equipment properly as stipulated in the terms of the contract.
- Monitor and ensure that the Internet and MyGovNet networks in MKL are working at an optimal level.
- Assisting the Website Committee in technical matters of the MKL Official Portal.